• 2025

    Research Funding (2025) for the project “Promoting a sociotechnical approach toward adolescent relationships and sexuality in the digital age”. Received from the Healthy Start.
    [Role: Co-Principal Investigator].


  • 2024

    Unrestricted research award (2024) for the project “p13n competence”. Received from Google Safety Engineering Center.
    [Role: Principal Investigator].



    Research Funding (2024) for the project “Project CID: Competency Insight Dashboard” (with C. de Vreese). Received from the Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.
    [Role: Principal Investigator].



    Research Funding (2024) for the project “Project EDGE” [with D. de Vries; M. Moller; A. van Oosten]. Received from Google Safety Engineering Center.
    [Role: Principal Investigator].



    Research Funding (2024) for the project “Digital Youth Election” [with L. Bos and T. Araujo]. Received from ODISSEI (Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovations).
    [Role: Co-Principal Investigator].


  • 2022

    Research Funding (2022) for the project “Thriving Teens: whole systems approach to benefit teens’ mental wellbeing” [with PI Maartje van Stralen]. Received from ZonMw Organization (The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development).
    [Role: Consortium Partner].



    Research Funding (2022) for the project “DigIQ: Test en verbeter je digitale kennis en vaardigheden” [with D. de Vries, F. Huysmans]. Received from Stichting GO.
    [Role: Co-Principal Investigator].



    Research Funding (2022), Faculty Research Priority Area, “Youth Digitality” [with E. Smit, G. Overbeek, H. Larsen]. Received from the Faculteit der Maatschappij en Gedragswetenschappen (FMG), University of Amsterdam.
    [Role: Co-Principal Investigator].


  • 2021

    Research Funding (2021) for the doctoral project “Digital Transformation of Me-Time (DIGI-ME)” [together with S. Sumter & A. van Oosten]. Received from the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam.
    [Role: Principal Investigator & Promotor].


  • 2020

    Research Funding (2020) for the project “DIGCOM: Mapping and supporting digital competence across the Netherlands”. Received from the Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.
    [Role: Principle Investigator].



    Research Funding (2020) for the project “Charge your Brainzzz 2.0: evaluation of a co-created healthy sleep intervention for adolescents using a complex systems approach”. Received from ZonMw Organization (The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development).
    [Role: Co-Principal Investigator & Promotor].



    Research Funding (2020) for the project “In Rosie We Trust: Virtual Assistants in Families. together with T. Araujo]. Received from the from the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam.
    [Role: Principal Investigator & Promotor]



    Research Funding (2020) for the project “Diving into sustainability: Tailoring immersive media about sustainability for children” [together with H. Sungur]. Received from the Digital Communication Methods Lab (DigiComLab), University of Amsterdam.
    [Role: Co-Principal Investigator]


  • 2017

    Research Funding (2017) for the project “Assessing children’s media motivations” [together with R. Kühne]. Received from the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam.
    [Role: Co-Principal Investigator]


  • 2016

    Research Funding (2016) for the project “The attraction and power of Minecraft”, KennisNet and the Graduate School of Communication, University of Amsterdam.
    [Role: Principal Investigator]


  • 2015

    Research Funding (2015) for the open access publication of “Plugged In: How Media Attract and Affect Youth” [together with P.M. Valkenburg]. Received from Yale University Press.
    [Role: Co-Principal Investigator]


  • 2014

    Research Funding (2014) Can apps support children’s creativity?, Cinekid and the Graduate School of Communication, University of Amsterdam.
    [Role: Principal Investigator]


  • 2013

    Research Funding (2013) for the doctoral project “There’s an App for That! Distinctive Features of Apps for Young Children”, Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam.
    [Role: Principal Investigator & Promotor]