The secret is out – we (the Communication Science department at the UvA) have launched a new Bachelor programme. I’m, of course, biased but it’s BRILLIANT. The world is changing, fast. Technology has meant that national borders are often invisible, information is shared at lightning speed, and students need to be able to understand the changes of communication in an international context.
Our department has, for several years in a row, held the position of 1 in QS World Ranking. While ranking always have caveats, we have felt exceptional pride for our faculty and staff that have built and sustained such a strong programme. Taking the decision to update our ranked Bachelor was not easy – with changes come risks – but the world is changing and we knew it was time to #levelup – and level up we did. The new Bachelor answers questions such as:
❓How do media affect people and societies globally, and how do these societies affect media in return?
❓How does communication work in international organizations?
❓How are global media strategies developed?
❓How do media impact people from different cultures?
It’s a game-changer for Bachelor offerings, taught by our excellent scholars. It was built from the ground-up, by our teaching community, and I can’t wait to see it unfold.
To learn more, visit: