Decoding Media: How Gen Z & Alpha Engage

All too often, we hear the (news) media report on GenZ – framing the group as a monolithic entity with one voice and one shared ideology. During my talk with Microsoft Global Comms on 14 February, I highlighted fact versus fiction. I discussed the trends we see on Gen Z (and alphas!) but I also highlighted why we have to be careful on using generational work as our holy grail. Science makes clear that individual differences matter, and we need to give space for these differences – also within generations. It’s not that we should forget generations (they have lots of value!), but we should include individual differences in the dialogue, too.

And on that point of dialogue, we also discussed why it’s important to make sure youth voice is PART of the work – from the beginning. Some great examples of co-creation were shared, and hopefully, people were inspired to make sure young persons are at the table with them. It was a fun talk, delivered twice! in one day to make sure a global audience could engage. Lots of great questions. Thanks, Microsoft, for the opportunity!

(A copy of the slide deck is available upon request).